Saturday, 3 January 2009

New Year Cheez - Who Needs It?

Spent a wonderful December 31st celebrating Keira's birthday. Yummy heart shaped cake made by Holly (Keira's cousin) and, of course, pass the parcel.

Late afternoon saw us blasting off for Southsea where cake number 2, also heart shaped but this time made by the lovely Donna, was eagerly consumed.

10pm and several beers later it's off to Age's place to celebrate......his birthday. DJ sets in the kitchen, dear friends, hugs, kisses and more beer. Midnight came and went. Around 2am (I think) Mark and Age played and sang for the masses. Tuneful, melodic, great fun. Stupidly Mark then handed me his geetar and we went down down down as the flames went higher. I doubt if Portsmouth Prison Blues or Rock the Casbah has ever been sung faster, louder, raucouser?? More country cheez, 80s guff and to be honest, I forget where we finished. I vaguely remember getting to bed around 5.30.....sorry if yer ears are still buzzing, blinder!

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